You can probably already tell that the first few posts on this blog will introduce you to what you can expect from this blog. When I said I blog about random ass sh*t, I really mean it. Because this isn’t about fashion or finance, this is about graphic design. So for this special blog, I decided to collate two things I love: green and graphic designing.


I’m not a professional graphic designer, however I would like to get into that profession. I find Japanese graphic and web designers with their simplicity one of my main inspirations. I started to develop a genuine interest in graphic designing almost 6 years ago and if I had one regret up till now it would be that I didn’t take a bachelor of graphic design at a college, rather I cared more about the institution I would attend took up a bachelor of commerce with a major of marketing. However—








Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

On a side note, I have recently opened up a new Instagram account! Let’s follow each other instagram.com/ohimebento.

Credits: Tree branch image, used under CC0 Creative Commons License https://pixabay.com/en/tree-branch-leaves-berries-fruits-311967/